Monday, July 31, 2006

Who Do You Think...

... Is most likely to take over the world? And/or who would you most *like* to succeed in world domination?

I thought I'd try something diffferent today and ask something a little less rhetorical.

Personally, I think that Pinky & The Brain should take over the world, only because they've been so persistant and they have a cool theme tune. Plus, they have Acme on their side.

I know that all of you adore me, but please, don't suggest me to be your ruler. I'd like to keep some modesty ;).


At 31 July, 2006, Blogger eriu said...

Hahaha, wow. You need to spend less time online ;D.

"I will become world leader... and HAVE A NO1 KOC ACCOUNT!"

At 31 July, 2006, Blogger eriu said...

I think it's time for the straight jacket again ;D

At 31 July, 2006, Blogger eriu said...

omg, I'll bite you!!

At 31 July, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg eriu is hot :D
tis menose

At 31 July, 2006, Blogger eriu said...

Woot! MeNoSe you big sexy whore <3


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