Why does there always have to be someone 'worse off' than you?
I don't know about anyone else, but I hate when you explain a problem you have to someone and they reply "Well, it's not so bad, I mean, just think of those poor, starving children in Africa!"No. I don't CARE about the children in Africa, no matter how poor or starving they are. In fact, do they have it so hard?? I mean, they have no food, that's awful, but I bet when someone complains about it, someone replies "Yeah, kid, but think about all those sexually assaulted women in the UK!" or "Just remember all those people that lost loved ones because some dick flew a plane into a tall building!" or "Yes, but at least you don't have to listen to 'elevator music'!".
And the kid will still be starving. And poor.
So next time you get the urge to pull the 'Africa' card on someone, stop. Just stop.
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