Why do girls spit?
It's disgusting. I know that the girls near where I live talk, walk and act like men, but there has to be a boundary somewhere, assuming they haven't grown a penis due to their inbred nature.
I know it's sexist to only ask why girls do it, and on men it's disgusting too, but there comes a point when you have to be proud of being feminine. Stop spitting! It's gross and it is quite possibly the least sexy thing in the world.
Spot anything wrong here?

I bought some Crest toothpaste, and apparently it helps the "5 signs of healthy teeth."
These 'five signs of healthy teeth' are listed as;
- Cavities
- Healthy gums
- Tartar
- Whiteness
- Fresh breath
Spot anything wrong with numbers 1 and 3?
Why do cats drink from toilet bowls?
Why do people still use the word 'nice'?
It doesn't mean anything.
I swear I will throw a thesaurus at the next person who says something along the lines of; "It was
nice to see you," or "Your hair looks
nice." No. It means nothing! Use a better word!
How do they put the garlic stuff in chicken kievs?
Why Does The Sky Lie?
A poem created by myself and two people in my English class.
Blue daytime sky
surrounding a crescent moon so high
I spy with my little eye,
something beginning with 'why'?
Why does the sky lie?
What happened to the Sun?
maybe it was shot by a gun
I bet that wasn't much fun
if it landed on you it would weigh a tonne
and probably puncture a lung
I think I see a storm brewing
maybe that is where the Sun is hiding,
being struck by lightning.
It looks very frightening,
and perhaps a little exciting.
Fear the poetical genius.
Why Do I...
... always seem to get involved with people I don't really like, but stay away from those that I do?
It's a pretty bad habit.
Why Is It That...
... what we really, really desire is the one thing we can't have?
Do birds think "Wow, I wish I could walk like that on the ground..."?
I've always wondered this.
I remember when I was a kid someone said "Wow, wouldn't it be cool to fly like that bird?", and pointed to some black dot in the sky, which was probably a plane anyway. But more interesting even than that, my reply was "Well, I guess, but the birds are probably thinking 'Wow, I wish I could run like that kid there!'".
It's true, no?
Why do feminists have such a negative label?
Yes, they ugly, yes they have saggy breasts, AND they're lesbians, but I know I'm really glad that they exist. I like being able to go to university and get a job. And hopefully get paid as much as all the incompetant men out there.
I'm probably the worst for negatively labelling them... but what brought it on?! It's odd, because I do respect (most of) them.
Why does there always have to be someone 'worse off' than you?
I don't know about anyone else, but I hate when you explain a problem you have to someone and they reply "Well, it's not so bad, I mean, just think of those poor, starving children in Africa!"
No. I don't CARE about the children in Africa, no matter how poor or starving they are. In fact, do they have it so hard?? I mean, they have no food, that's awful, but I bet when someone complains about it, someone replies "Yeah, kid, but think about all those sexually assaulted women in the UK!" or "Just remember all those people that lost loved ones because some dick flew a plane into a tall building!" or "Yes, but at least you don't have to listen to 'elevator music'!".
And the kid will still be starving. And poor.
So next time you get the urge to pull the 'Africa' card on someone, stop. Just stop.
Why did/do we keep cooking with onions even though they make us cry when we cut them?!
Does Bob Geldoff Have HIV??
Seriously. He must have slept with at least ONE of those Africans.
How did Tony Blair manage to self-destruct so magnificently?
Even the Tories knew that they couldn't defeat The Blairmeister:
Two days before David Cameron was elected Conservative leader, I asked one of his closest allies what the founding principle of Cameronism would be. He pondered the question. Would it, I wondered, be something to do with quality of life, the public services, the environment, social justice, nationhood? ‘Our starting point,’ he finally replied, ‘is that the Tory party can never beat Tony Blair.’
This First Law of Cameronism, he explained, had an important subclause: Blair himself could beat Blair, by contaminating his own brand to the point where he could no longer plausibly hold office.
(as filched from
The Spectator)
Blair is not stupid, despite seemingly popular opinion. Nor is he as egotistical as his legendary view of himself makes out, either.
He must have seen his downfall coming a mile off, so why didn't he do something about it? Silly man.
In a world where homosexuality is still taboo, why do we teach children the rhyme "Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tub"?
Why Do Mattresses...
... have patterns on them? They're always covered with sheets anyway :/
Why Doesn't The Body...
... have an ingenious way of getting rid of the crap in belly buttons? At the minute it just sits there and gets smelly. Evolution has failed us!
Why Do People...
... think it's "cool" to be an asshole?
It's not, you just end up looking like a moron.